- The real median household income was $74,580 in 2022 which is a 2.3% decrease from 2021 estimate at $76,330.
- Asian households had the highest median income in 2022 at $108,700, followed by non-Hispanic Whites at $81,060 then by Whites at $77,250. The least median income were from Black households at $52,860.
- Householders younger than 65 saw their median household income drop by 1.4 percent from 2021, whereas those aged 65 and above didn’t undergo a notable shift in median income from 2021 to 2022
- The West Region had the highest median income in 2022 at $82,890 while the South was the lowest at $68,230.
- Households within metropolitan statistical areas (MSAs) but outside of principal cities had the highest median income at $83,230. While households located outside of metropolitan areas had the lowest median income at $55,960.
- Householders holding higher education had more income in 2021. A person with a bachelor’s degree or higher had the highest median income at $118,300 while those with no high school diploma had the lowest median income at $34,850.
Source: U.S. Census Bureau: https://www.census.gov/library/publications/2023/demo/p60-279.html